About Us

About Us

The Road Creek church of Christ is an independent group of Christians striving to serve God according to the plan of salvation found only in the Bible. Jesus Christ is our Savior and we strive to live our lives directed by Him, God and the Holy Spirit. 


The disciples of Christ assembling at Road Creek are those who have realized the darkness of sin, understood that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation from past transgressions, confessed His holy name, and have been buried in baptism for remission of sins.  The Christians of this local church are disciples who follow Christ's divine will and seek to help one another maintain the type of life with which the Lord will be pleased.


Our public worship assemblies are patterned after the Bible and consist of praying, singing, studying, and preaching. On Sundays we have fellowship with Christ and with one another in partaking of the Lord’s Supper.  On Sundays, members of the congregation give back to God a portion of that which He has prospered us, as taught in 1 Cor 16:1,2.   We are all thankful for the life Christ gave to each of us that we might become joint-heirs with Him and have eternal salvation. We gather together in an assembly to continue our lives of worship and to encourage and exhort one another.

Learn more by visiting our News page.